His way…

Self-work is some of the hardest, yet absolutely necessary, work we do. Most of us find it uncomfortable 😖 to take a realistic look at who we are and who we know we’re called to be. 

God has an uncanny (or so it seems to my little mind) way of showing us allllllll of the ways — and, there are countless — that we’re really not all that. 😳 #YesISaidThat

Allowing Him to work on us will always reveal the areas in which we need to grow uP, be better and just #DoItDifferently. 

The amazing thing is that He does this lovingly. Gently. And, in a manner we can handle. (Cuz. He kinda knows how much is too much, right?) At no time, while under his corrective hand do we have to feel defeated. Or hopeless. #ThatsNotHowThisWorks

No. Nawl. Nope. The way my God is set up? He walks beside us, holds our hand and picks us up when the weight of it all is just…#TewMuch. 

💯 here for it. 


The F Word

How many times have you heard someone say: “Just have faith.”?
Too many to count, I am sure.
Having grown up in an environment filled with all-things-Christian, I’ve heard that simple command stated often. Effortlessly, even. Whether by family members, church-goers, friends or co-workers…nearly everyone has allowed these words to roll off of their tongue at some point. Interestingly enough, however, we humans aren’t nearly as adept at being FAITHFUL in our daily walks. So, it is safe to say that there is nothing effortless about having faith. Or, is it? (I know, I know, I know…you’re probably thinking, LovA has lost her ever-lasting mind. That may be true, but   I’m still making a valid point! LOL!)
Now. Anyone who is anyone and has attended just one Sunday School class in their lifetime knows the Hebrews 11:1 definition of faith #backwardsandfrontwards. I’ve always believed that we were given this trusty definition as a tool for our impending struggles in life. But, for me? As an adult? The real-life application of that is sooooooooo much more than those fifteen (yes, I counted) words.
If we walk around TALKING about having faith…it stands to reason that at some point, God is going to require a demonstration of said faith, right? Right. Seems fair.
Over the last six or seven weeks, I have done A LOT of thinking…reflecting…self-analysis…etc. For those of you that know me, you understand fully the enormity of this statement. *cheese*  I have found myself in a situation that has required MORE OF ME. A health issue popped up and in this time of research and discovery, I have gained a new appreciation for that word — FAITH. (Funny how that works, eh?)
See, up until a couple of weeks ago, my mind was doing more than its fair share of playing out the various #WHATIFs. Admittedly, most of the scenarios were leaning toward the negative side of the house. I kept trying to remain positive, but, inevitably some doubtful ‘piece of something’ would sneak back in and there I’d go again.  Honestly? It got rather ridiculous.
It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a new Twitter follow that I was put in check. I read the following tweet and everything stopped moving. #literally
Yes, @pwillie1, or the Lord working through him, is responsible for my return back to what’s real. While the entire tweet was beautiful, it was the portion in the red box that caused my heart to skip a beat and realize that I had been behaving foolishly. I read this a couple of times and found myself staring at it like…really? It’s that easy? Why, yes, lil LovA…yes, it is. The same amount of energy that it takes doubting the success of a thing can be easily transferred to having faith in that same success. It really is your choice. God does not want us worrying about things about which we have no control. That is simply, WRONG. Additionally, I believe that the key part of real faith is trusting Him to take care of you — regardless of the outcome. *gulp*
There are two things that have kept me right-minded since. One is the Serenity Prayer which states simply: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and, the wisdom to know the difference.”  The other is Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Together, these remind me that today is the day in which I should focus my energy…and, leave the rest in the hands of the man who holds it.
Effortless, indeed.

worth missing…


if you know me, you know that i am a huge fan of the twittah. (got that from one of my #twitterati homies) well, last night, one of the many talented people that i follow, tweeted the following statement:

“be worth missing.”

simple statement, right? right. but, it’s usually the simple, small things that have the biggest impact, no? ok, so what does that mean, exactly? (yah, yall know i can rarely go with ‘face-value’. lololol!) but, seriously…what kind of person is ‘worth missing’? some folks may be thinking on a surface level — like what tangible items a person may provide. but, for me…a person WORTH missing is one that provides a benefit on a far-deeper level.

and, as it turns out, this simple, yet powerful directive, is a secret life-goal of mine. yes, i strive daily to be the type of person that is missed. and, while this may seem egotistical, that is not at all how i mean it.

living your life in such a way that EVERYONE with whom you have contact is positively impacted is…HUGE! leaving people better than you find them is a challenge i think more people should take on.

cuz, see…life and its twistsNturns often leave people feeling beat up and hopeless. i know i have felt that way mannnnnny times. however, it has never failed that GOD placed someone in my path that allowed me to recall, regroup and refocus. and, for that? i’m thankful. overwhelmingly so.

commercial break –> contrary to popular belief, we’re not here for our own pleasure. sorry. i know that may disappoint some, but…we’re not. building GOD’s kingdom (via His people) is the ultimate job description for which we all have been hired. but, alas…i digress. #moreonthatatanothertime <– back to our regularly-scheduled program

when we go about our daily lives not caring about anything other than what WE have going on…i kindasorta think we’re missing the mark. i know i always feel better after i’ve allowed my heart to connect with another’s.

now, i know…sounds hokey, right? yah. whatever. i’m not referring to a huge, involved entanglement in another person’s affairs. in fact, that’s just nosiness. (#vaultismadvocate) what i AM taumbout is simply letting our peeps know that they have our support and that we genuinely want the best for them. this is a beautiful thing. simply put, it’s what’s hoTTT in these streets.

so, um…yah. MY peeps will know that EYEcare.com.

cuz…well…i’m tryna be found worthy.

ramblings of one black woman…


i did exactly what i said i wouldn’t do: took a break from blogging. i didn’t intend to…it just happened.

yah. kinda like a lot of things…that just happen.

 as it turns out…i am over that type of living. been over it, just too lazy to really work to effect change on it. or be committed to it. but, no more. i now know that change is truly a process. like, we hear that a lot…but, it really is. anyone that has changed any major behavior/thought process knows that it is not done overnight. funny how that works. another cliche ==> ‘it’s easier said than done’.

in recent weeks i have had such a myriad of emotions running through me…including, but definitely not limited to:

  • fear
  • elation
  • confidence
  • insecurity
  • gratitude
  • ingratitude
  • anxiety
  • excitement
  • shame

i think it’s awful that something like a job loss can make a person feel any particular way about themeselves. that’s so…WRONG.  in our society, somehow…what people do for a living — or don’t do — is an indicator of their…character? self-worth? what is that? all of my ‘friends’…would they love me if i said ‘eff it all’ and became a manager at mcdonald’s? hmmmnn…*le sigh*…but, that’s another convo for another day. O_O

today, i’m existing in a true state of gratitude. of course…from the outside, not much about my ”shytuation” hasn’t changed. however, i am learning ALOT. gaining wisdom. about a lot of things — that will ultimately lead to CHANGE. yes, i’m here…in >this< for a reason. and, i’m determined to learn the lesson.

about a week ago, i had a couple of experiences with someone that i NEVER thought i would. my past interactions with this person left me feeling anxious and sub-par. largely because of my issues, not theirs.

the first experience involved a conversation. where i chose to open up and share…my…brokenness. wow. so glad that i did. [pause: stop gasping and clutching your pearls. everyone has (currently) or has had some element of ”brokenness” in their lives. some deal with it head on (me)…others medicate and behavioralize their way through. but, know this — it is there.] at any rate, it was powerful and i realized that i had been wrong about soooooooooo much. (imagine that!)

the second experience involved my participation (listening only) in a prayer call with this same person. now. initially, i was like…oh, boy…what have i gotten myself into? a prayer call? at 6 a.m. in…THE MORNING???? but, if there’s one thing that i am…it’s open to new experiences. so, i joined. listened. felt convicted. all in all, it was a good experience. so much so that i vowed to do it again. and, today i did. *sigh*  i’m a bit scatter-brained about what else i want/need to say about it at the moment so, i’ll leave it here.

at the end of the day there are a few things that i know for sure:

  1. God is good. i am honored to call him ”FRIEND”. 
  2. my parents are my best friends on this earth. #whoknew ?
  3. sometimes the most unlikely people cross our paths — littering it with nuggets of goodness for our souls.
  4. life is truly what you make it.
  5. christians make christianity look bad. every day. i desire to do differently.
  6. the heart does heal. period. #thatisall

if you should happen to stumble upon these ramblings…treat them with care. or not. your choice. my purpose will have been met regardless.

love to all…